Senior Backend Engineer

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Senior Technical Operations Specialist

About Simplotel:

Simplotel is a Bangalore-based, Software-as-a-Service (SaaS) company helping over 2,000 hotels across 26 countries grow their direct business. We are powering e-commerce for some of the largest hotels in India. The name Simplotel comes from a combination of Simple and Hotel - our mission is to Simplify the life of hoteliers through technology. Simplotel is a ‘Shopify for Hotels’, was founded in October 2013 and is funded by Go-MMT - India’s largest Online Travel Agency.

*Simplotel was awarded the best startup in travel & hospitality for 2021 by Startup India, an initiative of the Union Ministry of Commerce & Industry in India.


Senior Backend Engineer

Roles and Responsibilites:

  • Write high-performance and sustainable back-end applications using Python programming language and Django framework.
  • Do code reviews, design discussions and be part of architectural changes in the backend.
  • Work closely with front-end engineers and product managers to understand the requirements.
  • Implement new features and proactively optimise the existing code.
  • Integrations with third party systems like Payment gateways and Channel managers.
  • Fix bugs and solve problems.

Required Skills:

  • Expert in problem solving skills, algorithms and data-structures.
  • Hands-on experience in Python programming language, Django framework and MySQL database.
  • Deep understanding of web technologies and expertise in back-end debugging.
  • Knowledge of Ubuntu, and experience in git(or any sub-version system)
  • Self-motivated and organised, able to handle deadlines and drive improvements

We put the willingness and passion to learn & build above anything else and if you think you have got it in you, do apply.


Location: Bangalore

About Simplotel:

Simplotel is a Bangalore-based, Software-as-a-Service (SaaS) company helping over 2,000 hotels across 21 countries grow their direct business. We are powering e-commerce for some of the largest hotels in India. The name Simplotel comes from a combination of Simple and Hotel - our mission is to Simplify the life of hoteliers through technology. Simplotel is a ‘Shopify for Hotels’, was founded in October 2013 and is funded by Go-MMT - India’s largest Online Travel Agency.

*Simplotel was awarded the best startup in travel & hospitality for 2021 by Startup India, an initiative of the Union Ministry of Commerce & Industry in India.


Senior Technical Operations Specialist

We are looking for a Senior Technical Operations Specialist to provide enterprise-level support to our clients (hotels). A suitable candidate needs to have a keen eye for detail, assist with work allocation within a team to ensure the smooth functioning of the Operations department. Ultimately, you will be a person our clients and team members trust. They will rely on you to provide timely and accurate resolutions/advice.


  • Respond, manage, and resolve customer queries and issues sent via a ticketing system
  • Talk clients through a series of actions (either via phone, email, or chat), until their queries and issues are resolved
  • Oversee and handle end-to-end experience of key customers including project management, resource assignment and timely delivery. Develop and implement strategies that will ensure a positive experience that exceeds the hotel and its guests’ expectations
  • Develop in depth understanding of all features of all Simplotel products and partner products that we sell, conduct training sessions for large clients to effectively leverage the use of these products
  • Create SOPs, manuals and document product knowledge in detailed steps
  • Follow defined steps to setup and configure our products, coordinating with both external partners as well as client stakeholders where necessary
  • Provide feedback and escalate unresolved issues to internal departments (e.g.: Software Developers, Customer Success/Account Managers)
  • Prioritize and manage several open issues simultaneously, operate & drive several projects internally. Perform quality checks on others' work to improve quality



  • BE/BCA or equivalent degree (preferably in computer science, or electronics & communications)
  • Excellent problem-solving and communication skills
  • Good understanding of computer systems, mobile devices and comfortable using software products
  • Basic understanding and knowledge of DNS (A, NS, MX records etc.)
  • Able to run basic SQL queries
  • Keen eye for detail, ability to implement and oversee strict quality control
  • Ability to sustain with dynamic processes and constant updates
  • Ability to provide step-by-step guidance, both written and verbal
  • Ability to design simple processes and procedures
  • 3-4 years of experience in a client-facing role in a consultation/support function, and (preferably) 1 year in a lead position


Location: Bangalore